Sincere apologies for not continuing my series of my top 25 metal albums of all time, but I have been reaaaaallllyyy busy... Hope this time the next one comes sooner than 4 months later! :) My numbers 12 and 13!

In 1980,in the U.K., a new musical scene was emerging: heavy metal. Many bands came out in this time period including Iron Maiden, Diamond Head, Angel Witch, and of course Judas Priest. British Steel has all the elements of what heavy metal was at the time and would become. It caught perfectly the slice in time when heavy metal was just starting to get noticed, but had not yet gone mainstream.
Rob Halford's vocals, Glenn Tipton & K.K. Downing's guitars, Ian Hill's bass, and Dave Holland's drumming are all in top form here. Beginning with their previous studio album Hell Bent For Leather and then with this album, the band began to write shorter and catchier songs while sacrificing little of their metallic crunch.
Those who know this album chiefly by the two singles "Breaking the Law" and "Living After Midnight" will be surprised at how non-commercial the rest of this album is. "Rapid Fire" kicks the album off to a roaring start. "Metal Gods" is a slow-paced rocker that has an interesting bridge. "Breaking the Law" is a radio stable, as is "Living After Midnight." There are in fact no weak song at all on this album and my advise is: run out and get a copy as fast as possible, this one sure stand the test of time, perhaps better that any other record of that era! Quintisentially British, but not stiff upper lip at all!
Line-Up : Rob Halford - vocals, K.K. Downing - guitars, Glenn Tipton - guitars, Ian Hill - bass guitar, Dave Holland - drums
PS : British Steel was recorded at Tittenhurst Park, which was the home of the Beatle Ringo Starr.
i recommend your blog to be included in the prescribed syllabi for rock education.
so informative :)
Great Album!! Love their music,
Absolute legends!
i recommend your blog to be included in the prescribed syllabi for rock education.
so informative :) thankssss....
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